Two things. Fist, great post. Technology and science have never replaced or removed our ritualistic nature. Like the architects in A Canticle For Liebowitz or the mutated humans worshiping the cobalt bomb in Planet of the Apes 2 (the old one), we never change.

Second, when I saw the title of this post I was 1000% sure I was going to open it up and and read a shit ton about Grant Morrison's "The Invisibles". You have not mentioned it even once. I find this surprising. There is zero possibility that you haven't read this (I'm not going to scour your old blog to confirm) right... RIGHT???

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It had occurred to me than name-and-shame, that cancels, that twitter mobs were a return to tribal social mores. It hadn't occurred to me that social bubbles were a return to tribal curses. Hmm.

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