Absent in this timeline but an important midpoint in the zeitgeist’s move away from hating the individual creator to hating big tech is the scorn for the social media aggregator. When the internet knew there was no stopping big tech, its ire was instead moved towards the big accounts taking credit for individual posts. Grindset brands copying individual posts and using them to proliferate a name until it’s recognizable enough to but on a t-shirt or open a sports bar in your mid-sized. Brands like Barstool Sports or the Chive. A baffling example being “The Fat Jewish”.


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I'll be completely honest: for me this happened in a blind spot. By like 2014 I'd stopped paying attention to anything happening on or around Facebook, wasn't on Instagram, and on Twitter I was still only following video game nerds I knew from the old forum days. And in 2015 I was living in the tropics and had pretty spotty internet access.

But it IS an oversight on my part, so I added your comment as a footnote without crediting you.

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Safe to say you didn’t miss anything during that time

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Obviously your writing is always great but I’m enjoying the new meta game of “how will x-men be referenced this time?”

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evidently I value depth over breadth when it comes to my cultural references. also I love the fuckin X-Men.

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My significant other told me that one of her coworkers wanted to know my favorite x-man is and I did that thing where I temporarily forget most people don’t know who Chamber or Glob Herman are.

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May 26·edited May 26Author

I began to type out an explanation of who MY favorite X-Man/Mens are. Then I held down the backspace key for a bit. Now I'm just gonna say "Cable, I guess" and walk away.

EDIT: Incidentally, I recently revisited Joe Casey's run on Uncanny, which heavily featured Chamber. I dare say it was underrated, especially in light of what came next (Chuck Austen's *legendarily* bad run).

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I ended up just saying Wolverine because that was the safest and most honest answer and because I haven't been able to tell anyone I'm a Deadpool fan for 15 years.

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Tempted to email this to squidi now. He may not be googling himself as much.

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dude seriously for a minute I was afraid I'd hit Publish, walk away, and come back to some "those fuckin pixels are my livelihood" salt

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Again, impressed with how you connect the ever-changing present with the not-to-distant past. I don't think I could have ever mapped out the move from the half-wild internet of the aughts to the malignant beast of burden it evolved into today, but I can imagine the connection between those two points, now. I'll be thinking about this for a while.

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I does whats I cans. But really the key to understanding the evolution of the internet at every interval & switch point is "follow the money."

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Download one song off the Internet, you're a criminal. Download the totality of the Internet, you're an AI visionary/billionaire.

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In a fucked up sort of way it proves Stalin's apocryphal "one death, tragedy, million deaths, statistic" aphorism right. One is a mischance, the other represents the engine of history at work. And anyone who is or appears to be in the engineer's cab is someone who must be attended to and respected.

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Wow, that iPad crush ad was extremely disconcerting. What's wild is the ad *itself* looks like it was lifted whole cloth from a (cooler, NSFW) music video by Soulwax: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eiZKCRzhnA

Also, Adobe's new EULA says they get your personal files for their AI training. Not your public material. Your files on your computer! Even as a machine learning guy, I kind of can't stand this, and have had to stop using photoshop, something I use at least weekly for personal stuff, all at once.

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